Why an ashram?

Sacred space & place

The intention of the ashram is simple; to create a container for healing and spiritual transformation as well as opportunities for learning and connection. There is a deep cellular relaxation that takes place when living close to nature, according to yogic principles in a predictable rhythm of daily spiritual practice.

In day to day ashram living, we integrate a consistent routine of spiritual practices including selfless service (karma yoga), meditation, yoga asana (postures), kirtan (singing of sacred mantras) and daily fire puja (ceremony).

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Time for spiritual work & play

In our community, we deeply value the principle of play as a means for learning and growth. As such, we consider things like making music together, dancing, rock climbing and even playing in the creek to be part of our "sadhana" or spiritual “work”. Here’s a brilliant article about play as a movement of love.

There is an open invitation to all participants to offer opportunities for shared play and learning to the group, especially during our unstructured day time hours; anything from song circles, to rock climbing, to nature poetry writing, plant walks, shadow work, mushroom hunting, fairy house building, acro-yoga or anything that sounds like fun to you.

Additionally, we offer a variety of group retreats, workshops and other learning opportunities facilitated by gifted and experienced guides (often themselves members of our ashram community) as well as provide support for those wishing to perform personal sadhana - which might include a day of silent meditation or prayer or even a personal 3-5 day spiritual, creative or nature connection retreat.

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Daily fire ceremony

The daily fire ceremonies are a powerful way to continually align with the most pure aspects of the inner most self. 

We offer to the fire all of the things that no longer serve us, and honor its primordial power of metaphysical transformation and healing. 

As the fire transforms the wood into light and heat, so we offer ourselves to the Divine, that we may be transformed and uplifted.